Sunday, November 9, 2014

Our First Meeting

Our meetings are every other Tuesday for an hour and a half. An hour is just a bit too short, and 2 hours is too long.

I prepared packets for the parents to fill out right when they walked in. 

Financial Aid Form 
(You need to turn in a paper copy of membership form if you're applying for financial aid)
Health History
Permission slips
Copies of the girl scout law and Promise

I also had a sign up sheet for snacks and asked that whichever Mom brought snack would also stay to help out. This would provide three adults (myself, my co-leader, and a mom)

When the girls arrived we sat in the Daisy Circle, Criss Cross Apple Sauce. We
had name tags for the girls to fill out, cut out, use a hole punch for the corners, and use a yellow yarn to string around their necks. I printed these on green construction paper.
(I had to cut the construction paper to fit in my printer)


The girls got to try on a smock to find their size which my co-leader wrote down so we could order them before our next meeting. 

We took "My First Day as a Girl Scout " pictures for their journals and for a future project.


We went to the table at this point and had the girls trace their hands on construction paper and cut out the girl scout promise and paste both onto a separate sheet of paper to take home, so they could learn the promise.

I printed the promise on green construction paper
 (I had to trim the construction paper before it would fit into my printer)


The girls traced their hands on peach construction paper, cut it out, pasted it on and then taped their thumb and pinky down to show the Girl Scout sign.

I explained the Girl Scout sign stands for the three parts of the law; Serving God, Our Country, and to help people at all times. I also told the girls if they ever see the sign held in the air, they are to respond the same way, and we would use that as our "attention" or "quiet" sign.

Promise hand

I provided snack and we watched the video of a troop singing the Girl Scout Law. I decided it would be cute, and fun if we learned the song instead of another monotone recitation.

After our snack was finished we went back to the carpet and stood in a circle, crossed our arms right over left, said what we were thankful for and "spun out". You do this by lifting your right arm and ducking under while turning. If each person has their arms crossed correctly this works well! 

My co-leader collected membership fees and paper work.

I was really nervous and that's ok. I forgot a bunch of what I was going to do, and it wasn't as smooth as it could have been, but it was our first meeting and I think it went well. I decided in the future to have everything written down so I could look to see what we were doing next.

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